"All music comes from God."

October 15, 2009, 6:17 pm
Filed under: VI Pictures

Ironically, the very first pictures that I post on here are not actually all that suitable to be slide backgrounds (unless you add a transparent layer on top), but nonetheless, I have decided to share them with you. I captured them during the Symphony Of Life retreat. I am also planning to use them to enter the Shriners Photography Contest. =P

Though I have been to this campsite multiple times, the grandioseness of these signature trees never diminished, and I always found a new perspective that's worth taking yet another picture of, every time.

Although I have been to this campsite multiple times, the grandioseness of these signature trees never diminished, and I always found a new perspective that's worth taking yet another picture of, every time.

The Passage of Time
October 15, 2009, 6:05 pm
Filed under: VI Pictures
"The Passage of Time" by Jenny Man

It was the last day of the retreat, and we were packing up at the parking lot, getting ready to leave the campsite, and then I saw this elderly couple, slowly making their way between the two rows of trees, both holding their canes, walking side by side. And then somehow I was really touched.

October 5, 2009, 6:21 pm
Filed under: VIII Sometimes I wonder...

每天乘公共交通工具上班上學的人, 必定經歷過 “送車尾” 這不幸的巧合.

一個星期一的大清早, 你好不容易的起床, 在週末過後的第一天, 脫下放假心情, 重投工作. 你帶著惺忪睡眼, 趕頭趕命走到車站, 車子竟已停泊在車站, 準備離去. 眼見最後一個乘客正踏上車子, 你耗盡氣力, 用自己最快速度, 迅步跑到車站. 就在你到達列車門前的一剎那, 車門剛剛關上. 你望著玻璃門後的司機, 投以苦苦相求的眼神, 他竟然不望你一眼. 你肯定他明明斜視到你在車門外等待, 他卻狠心的置之不理. 最令你心心不忿的是, 前面路上的交通燈根本亮著紅燈, 他就算不給你開門, 也未能前進. 他等燈, 你等他. 一場等待後, 綠燈亮起, 他搖搖頭把車子駛走. 車子掠過的灰塵吹到你一臉茫然的面上, 你獨自站在空空如也的車站中, 慨歎司機不近人情.

可是你又記得上一次, 一模一樣的情景發生時, 換了個司機, 同一樣的故事卻有個很不一樣的結局. 司機本已把車門關上, 見你急速又狼狽的走過來, 不忍置你於門外, 於是不惜耽誤少許時間也再次開門給你. 你上車後像拾到寶似的感激又興奮地說 : “謝謝!” 他臉上掛著個親切的笑容彷彿在跟你說 : “不用謝.”

於是你得出一個結論 : 世上有兩種司機 – 好司機和衰司機. 如果那天你已倒霉得在一天的開始便要面臨送車尾的危機, 那就要看看你碰著哪一種司機.

但世事往往不是這麼簡單. 又一天, 你如是者極速地奔向列車即將駛走的車站. 車門在你近在咫尺時 “嘭” 一聲關掉, 但又竟在你走多兩步後, 突然再次為你敞開. 你大踏步跳上車子, 抬頭一望, 原來這好司機正正是上一次拒你於千里之外的衰司機. 你驚喜卻又困惑的說謝謝, 他友善的跟你說 : “不用謝.”

然後你開始明白, 原來這世上並沒有兩種司機, 只有一種有兩個面孔的司機. 每個人都有兩面. 隨著時間和心情, 表達出可愛和不可愛的一面. 這並不是虛偽, 也不是偏袒. 只是人類的行為和性情本是無常的東西. 每個人都有熱情和冷漠的時候, 有心情好和心情不好的時候, 而行為往往被心情影響. 這是人之常情. 小時侯讀那些教人行善的寓言故事和兒童讀物, 總教人如果有人得罪你, 試想像他可能剛剛經歷了不快的事, 恰巧心情不好, 才會表現如此. 人大了, 逐漸發現這個想法大多是對的. 即使不對, 這想法也能幫助自己培養一個更廣闊的胸襟和氣量.

當然, 要追巴士, 送車尾, 這歸根究底都是自己的錯, 與巴士司機無尤. 只是對於巴士司機的時友善時冷漠的表現, 我有這樣一個深深的體會.

敬拜者的心 (原曲: The Heart of Worship)
October 3, 2009, 3:36 am
Filed under: II Lyrics for God




敬拜祢 本無其他的主角
讓我手潔心清 獻給祢

讓我手潔心清 獻給祢

– October 17, 2009


Credits: The Heart of Worship, one of the greatest hits around the world, was written by the prolific songwriter Matt Redman – a name that anybody who is even slightly into Contemporary Christian music has heard of.

This song has a cool story behind it. You may read about it here:

Since BCEC’s church-wide theme for the new year (as well as J2’s) is 全人敬拜 (for J2, 敬拜者的心), I feel like re-writing “The Heart of Worship” in my own language. Somehow I am very excited about this piece, even more so than the others that I have written in the past.

I am looking forward to learning more about worship in the coming year! Looking forward to seeing “worship” in a new perspective, under a new light, and experiencing God in a new way.

“Something happens when the people of God gather together and play out the praises of God in the presence of God.” – Matt Redman

You may download the score (with chords and lyrics) here:
Download 敬拜者的心

October 3, 2009, 3:10 am
Filed under: II Lyrics for God

我的心 交給主 請改變我
我每日 每一分 每一刻 都給予祢
讓我可 將一切都甘心樂意交給祢
讓你塑造 讓祢改變 更像祢

用信心來走 不擔心不退後
像我主耶穌 跟主的腳蹤
遇困境攔阻 我的心 亦有盼望
皆因祢 遮風擋雨 抱著我

– September 28, 2009


I was sitting at the piano one day and out of nowhere just started playing this song, and then I thought, “Oh this sounds quite good, let me write it down.” So then I wrote down the melody and started filling in some lyrics for it. I wanted the lyrics to tell a story about offering. As I wrote and revised the song, it has become a song about offering ourselves to God and letting Him take control of our lives because we know we are in good Hands. Something worth mentioning is: I took a couple hours to write this song (both melody and lyrics) and took several days to fill in the last line of the lyrics. Somehow the last line did not come quickly and smoothly. The first draft of this song had 用祢大能托住我 as the last line. In the end, after days of pondering about it, I have decided that I really like the image of 遮風擋雨, as well as 抱著我, which in my mind has a subtle allusion to the story “Footprints,” a favorite story of mine. I felt very happy after putting an end to the song with this final line.

Special thanks to Steve who arranged the song and made a demo of it for me. His arrangement has breathed magic into an otherwise trivial melody. Also, thanks to Steve for kindly offering inputs in the melody and rhythm in various parts of the song.

You may download the score (with chords and lyrics AND MELODY!) here:
Download 交給祢

我在這裡敬拜 (原曲: Here I Am To Worship)
October 3, 2009, 3:04 am
Filed under: II Lyrics for God

(Verse 1)
亮麗的祢 令我心深嚮往

(Verse 2)



– August 28, 2009


Credits: This world-famous worship song was originally written by Tim Hughes.

The Chinese lyrics was written within a 45-minute train ride from MGH to Allston. I remember holding my pen and notebook when I was sitting through the B line. Though the T was crowded, I almost couldn’t resist humming and singing the lyrics out loud, as I was enjoying myself in my own little world. It was a magical experience to have come up with the lyrics in such a short period of time. I couldn’t have done it if it were not our Father who put the inspirations in my heart.

You may download the score (with chords and lyrics) here:
Download 我在這裡敬拜

是祢鼓舞我 (原曲: You Raise Me Up)
October 3, 2009, 3:02 am
Filed under: II Lyrics for God

求臨我心 每當我困倦疲軟

祢扶助我 讓我經得起風浪
祢鼓舞我 讓我緊緊跟主腳蹤
我勇敢 攀登千山走過深海

祢明白我 我可安撫於祢肩上
祢激發我 不怕艱辛不退縮
我堅忍 越過種種挑戰阻礙
全因我主 祢加給我一切

– August 23, 2009


Credits: This song was originally written by Rolf Lovland, famously performed by Josh Groban.

The first time I heard “You Raise Me Up” was from here:

It moved me beyond words could explain. This performance was amazing with the African children choir, as well as the string instruments on the background. This also made me first learned about Josh Groban. I have since then fallen in love with his voice and listened to many of his other songs and albums. You know how sometimes you listen to a song all the time during a certain period of your life, and then later even when you have well passed that period, whenever you listen to the song again, that period of your life would immediately come to mind. Listening to the song again would elicit emotions… emotions that bring you back to that era in your life. You almost feel like you are there all over again, wherever you were. I first learned about this song (and fell most deeply in love with it) when I was in Wisconsin last year. It was a period when I felt quite lonely at times, and this song, and these English lyrics, went through that time in life with me. Now whenever I listen to this song, Wisconsin always comes to mind, and random bits and pieces of flashback from my time there would appear in the mind. haha isn’t that funny?

You may download the score (with chords and lyrics) here:
Download 是祢鼓舞我

你和我的故事 (原曲: Kiss The Rain)
October 3, 2009, 3:00 am
Filed under: IV Lyrics for Fun



用我手 卻未能留住半點光輝


淚照湧 滿面淚流全沒法掩蓋



– June 16, 2008


Well, this was just written for fun. I came across this song called “Kiss The Rain,” composed by a famous Korean pianist named Yiruma. The first time I heard the song, it took my breath away…

You can hear it and watch him play the piece himself here:

I don’t think the song has lyrics originally, not even in Korean. I believe it was just written as a piano solo. So the story behind the song is open for imagination. I decided to fit a story into this breathtaking melody. It is what I imagined must have happened behind such a melody when I listened to it.

I wrote this about a year ago and never had a name for this song. Just for the purpose of posting it on here, I threw out a name: 你和我的故事. But it’s kind of random… I can’t think of a good name for it at the moment. Can you help me? =P If you can think of a better name for this song, please let me know!

誰會記得我 (原曲: Above All)
October 3, 2009, 2:58 am
Filed under: II Lyrics for God




– June 26, 2007


Credits: “Above All” was cowritten by Lenny LeBlanc and Paul Baloche. The song was nominated for Song of the Year in both the 2002 and 2003 Dove Awards, and in 2002, Michael Smith’s recording of the song won Inspirational Recorded Song of the Year.

I wrote 誰會記得我 two summers ago. It was a quiet and uneventful summer. Somehow at some point during that summer, I felt rather ‘left out’ and forgotten, by everyone in general. This song was written at a time when I felt that: when the whole world has forgotten about me, God remembers. And only He does. He remembers me and cares about me. When nobody would think of me, He would. And then it just so happened that the melody of this song really hit me at that time; the way it was performed in the “Top 25 Praise and Worship Songs 2007” album really touched my heart, so I decided to write my own lyrics with it, use it to hold my feelings. For the most part, I did not try to translate from the English lyrics. The Chinese lyrics for this song didn’t really mean to be a translation. It was just how I felt about the song, my own experience of this music.

You may download the score (with chords and lyrics) here:
Download 誰會記得我

從前所珍愛 (原曲: Knowing You)
October 3, 2009, 2:57 am
Filed under: II Lyrics for God

我從前珍愛 畢生當作寶
爭鬥和擁有 沒甚麼意義
舊我得到的 今我看作土
比起祢的愛 沒可媲美

認識祢 主啊 找到祢
我一切 我所有

此刻我只想 擁抱祢名字
宣告我一生 屬於主祢
用信心領受 給我賜救恩
信實源於祢 我不配受

主大能彰顯 犧牲為我死
獨自來這裡 受苦為誰
願我跟主走 得自由再生
復活永不死 像主一般

– November 2006


Credits: This song, “Knowing You” (also known as “All I Once Held Dear”), was written by Graham Kendrick. He once said the idea of this song came from words penned by the Apostle Paul while in jail, waiting for execution. “It touches the head and heart of the follower of Jesus Christ, because it lifts up our best friend as the most important ‘thing’ in our lives.”

“But whatever was to my profit I now consider loss for the sake of Christ. What is more, I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them rubbish, that I may gain Christ and be found in him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which is through faith in Christ–the righteousness that comes from God and is by faith. I want to know Christ and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of sharing in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, and so, somehow, to attain to the resurrection from the dead.” – Philippians 3:7-11


As I’ve shared in the “Purpose and Vision” page, this song pretty much started my whole “Lyrics for God” project and journey, so it has a very special place in my heart. =)

Special thanks to ah Bea who has made a demo of this song for me with her moving piano music and God-given beautiful voice.

You may download the score (with chords and lyrics) here:
Download 從前所珍愛

October 3, 2009, 2:52 am
Filed under: III Lyrics for Others




– May 7, 2005


Courtesy to Amos who composed this song, and Donald, Tushiyyah, Sueann, Karen, Pamela, and Solomon who helped fine-tune the lyrics. As far as I can remember, this was the very first lyrics that I have ever written, so this piece was written by at that time a completely inexperienced freshman in college, for the purpose of the HKSBS farewell program in the spring of 2005. Though four years have passed, the scene of us standing around the piano in McCormick is still vivid. =)

Psalm 100
October 3, 2009, 2:37 am
Filed under: V Favorites

“Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth, worship the Lord with gladness; come into His presence with singing.”

Purpose and Vision
October 3, 2009, 1:29 am
Filed under: I Purpose and Vision

It all started a few years ago when I was deeply moved by the song “Knowing You,” to the extent that I decided I needed to find a way to express this song in my own language. With the help and the beautiful voice of a friend, my lyrics were able to come to live – sung and recorded into a demo, which I have shared with a few close friends. Since then, I have continued to produce some lyrics every now and then, at a rather low productivity rate of one song per year. It was low-profile; the project wasn’t going in full speed mainly because it was just for fun, and the lyrics were often products of spontaneous moments of inspirations.

Not until recently, my productivity suddenly increased. Lyrics came to mind all the time, with little effort, and often a song would come into shape in as little time as a brief train ride. Before I know it, I have a small, yet rapidly growing, collection of lyrics. So then I was thinking, instead of having slips of paper flying around here and there, or having the lyrics posted on random places on the net, perhaps it’s good to keep a record of them in an organized manner. This way, not only will I be able to locate and refer to them more easily in the future, but also for sharing purpose it could be more readily available to other possibly interested individuals, such as friends, other musicians, and worship leaders. And after all, I wouldn’t want to waste it if this is a God-given talent that He wants me to put in good use for His works.

Furthermore, I have always had a vision about writing Chinese versions of the very popular English worship songs that God has taken around the world for His purposes. A lot of these English worship songs are profoundly powerful in a way that transcends culture; all they are missing is a Chinese version. As a native Cantonese speaker, I have always had this vision that if these international classics have a Cantonese version, then we will be able to share these music of beauty with the many Cantonese-oriented communities/churches/fellowships, such as the Luke fellowship at my home church, and they will be able to sing these praises to God too (in a language comfortable to them). I always feel that there are occasions where they can put these classics in good use. A lot of the brothers and sisters in these communities might not be totally comfortable with English, but these songs would just fit perfectly in their predominantly Cantonese-speaking communities if only Cantonese versions exist. I suppose the idea is similar to what the Taiwanese band Joshua did with many of the Australian band Hillsong’s worship songs, by translating many of Hillsong’s classics from English into Mandarin. So possibly in the future, if God opens doors and makes the way for it to happen, then it would certainly be a blessing if the classics on this site, in their Cantonese facet, can be spread beyond my own local community and to the Chinese populations in other parts of the world, perhaps in the form of published albums. Down the road, I will definitely be actively seeking opportunities to collaborate with others who share the same vision to make this happen. I believe if God blesses this project, these possibilities and visions are very real, and not a dream. I pray that God will use my pen to write more lyrics that can touch others and bring these music to those far away that I might not even know.

Besides just the lyrics, I will be posting downloadable music sheets for each of the songs on this site shortly. I am hoping to make it convenient for your use. And if you want to know how the songs sound like, I have demos for some of them. You may let me know, and I can send it to you if I have it. Also, I am planning to put together an imagebase, or a gallery of downloadable images, appropriate for use for backgrounds of worship slides. All of the images will be original photographs that I have taken personally, so in case you are concerned about whether the source of the images is legitimate, or any other copyright issues and the like, the imagebase on this site will be one that you can safely use with no problem. If it’s for ministry purposes, you do not need to ask for my permission to use any of the things on this site. Please feel free. =) One more thing is: from time to time, I come across quotes from books or other sources that I find enlightening and sometimes suitable to be used on the backgrounds of worship slides, I will also post them here in an organized manner. All in all, I am hoping this site can serve as a resource for worship leaders and musicians. I hope it will not only be a good source of practical resources, but also will offer inspirations to those who are looking to praise God with fresh worship songs and perspectives.

While the above might sound like ‘grand’ visions, I guess at the end of the day, if nothing else, I’d just like to through this site share with you something that I’m truly passionate about. =) I have always liked poetry ever since I was little, and lyricising, to me, is like putting a poem in a song. Isn’t that so cool? Although comparing to many other people who possess true expertise in music or high levels of language skills and eloquence, my skills and knowledge might be unmentionable. Nonetheless, though I am a novice, music and language are two things that I am truly passionate about, in my own way. Lyricising, is like using two of my favorite things to create a magical piece of work. It’s irresistible. Lyricising, like writing, like photography, like music, is something that I put much heart into, just for the love of it. So if at the end of the day, none of my grand visions comes in touch with reality, I wish that my genuine passion in these subjects could perhaps be a source of inspiration for someone out there.

Finally, I would like to end this note by making the following announcement, or “help-seeking notice”: I am always looking for someone to sing and make these songs into demos for me. I had a couple of friends who’ve helped me with this in the past, so some of my songs have demos while some not yet have. If any of you ever feels compelled to and have the ability to make a demo out of the songs on this page after you read them, please do! All you have to do is get the music sheet, sing it, play it, and record it. In the future if any brothers, sisters, fellowship groups, or ministries need to use the songs, it will be helpful if there is a demo for them to learn from, so your help will contribute to a good cause!

If you do not have any music talents, here are other ways you can help: Even though lyricising started out as a hobby for me, but in my mind, it has evolved into something more meaningful since then. It is a personal ministry project that I feel called by God to commit to. In light of that, your prayer support would be much appreciated! If you ever think of me one day when you are praying, you can keep this little project of mine in your prayers too. I am sure your prayer will go a long way. And when you come visit this page once in a while, if you have any inputs, thoughts, or feelings after reading anything on here, you know your comments and feedback will make me feel very supported. =)

Okay. So that was a long opening speech. But that’s it. It will be brief from now on. After this, I’ll let the music, lyrics, and pictures speak.

– Jenny Man
October 3, 2009